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About Philadelphia, PA


The City of Brotherly Love, where urban living meets affordability

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania needs no introduction as the fifth largest city in the country. Many of the decisions that led to the founding of the United States were made in Philly, which was once the nation's capital. It is one of the oldest cities in the country and is visited by millions of people every year. It is also a major hub of American commerce, located between New York City and Washington, D.C.

Philly has a number of world famous landmarks as well as countless museums, art galleries, professional sports teams, shopping and more, truly making it a world-wide destination. The city is broken up into 12 areas, often divided by rivers and other landmarks. Even within the 12 areas, Philly is further split into over 100 different neighborhoods with their own styles and unique feel to match what you may be looking for in a home. Befitting its size and importance, Philadelphia has extensive public transportation in and around the city as well as transportation to other major cities such as Washington, D.C. and New York City. Philadelphia is also rated as one of the most walkable major cities in the United States.

Homes in Philadelphia are as diverse as their neighborhoods. Multi-million dollar houses can be found in the more affluent outskirts, as well as in the Center City communities, like Society Hill and Rittenhouse Square. Single-family detached and row homes can be found along with townhouses, condominiums, and apartments throughout the city. From the historic to modern, Philadelphia real estate offers something to suit everyone. And with median home prices lower than other Mid-Atlantic cities, it is an appealing option for young professionals or those looking for an urban lifestyle.

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Philadelphia Schools and Demographics


Elementary Schools near Philadelphia, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Ad Prima Cs KG - 08 662 16 19151
Adaire Alexander School KG - 08 450 14 19125
Alain Locke K-8 School KG - 08 457 13 19139
Alexander K Mcclure School KG - 05 650 13 19140
Allen M Stearne School KG - 08 523 16 19124
Aloysius L Fitzpatrick School KG - 08 852 16 19154
Anderson Add B School KG - 08 500 16 19143
Andrew Hamilton K-8 School KG - 08 350 15 19143
Andrew J Morrison School KG - 08 665 16 19120
Anna L Lingelbach School KG - 08 310 14 19144
Arthur Chester A School KG - 08 380 10 19146
Bache-martin School PK - 08 430 10 19130
Barry Community John School KG - 08 600 19 19139
Barton Clara School PK - 02 590 14 19120
Bayard Taylor School KG - 05 400 11 19140
Benjamin B Comegys School KG - 08 500 14 19143
Benjamin Franklin Academics Plus K-8 KG - 08 600 17 19120
Bregy F Amedee School KG - 08 250 14 19145
Bridesburg School KG - 08 600 18 19137
Catharine Joseph School KG - 05 400 14 19142
Cayuga School KG - 05 431 12 19140
Charles W Henry School KG - 08 500 13 19119
Cheltenham Elementary School KG - 04 500 13 19012
Childs George W School PK - 08 530 15 19146
Christopher Columbus Cs KG - 08 948 15 19147
Cook-wissahickon School PK - 08 500 13 19128
Crossroads At Hunting Park 03 - 06 30 0 19140
Day Anna B School PK - 08 500 17 19138
Decatur Stephen School KG - 08 913 17 19154
Dobson James School KG - 08 240 10 19127
Dr Ethel Allen Elementary KG - 08 461 14 19132
Dunbar Paul L School KG - 08 300 12 19122
Edmonds Franklin S School KG - 08 440 20 19150
Edward Gideon School KG - 08 211 16 19121
Edward Heston Academics Plus School PK - 08 350 17 19131
Edwin Forrest School KG - 06 1,066 20 19136
Ellwood School PK - 05 280 14 19126
Emlen Eleanor C School PK - 05 300 18 19119
Ethan Allen School KG - 08 800 17 19149
Eugenio Maria De Hostos Cs KG - 08 510 18 19120
Fanny Jackson Coppin School PK - 08 500 13 19147
Fell D Newlin School KG - 08 545 16 19148
Feltonville Intermediate School 03 - 05 640 14 19120
Fitler Academics Plus KG - 08 200 15 19144
Folk Arts-cultural Treasures Cs KG - 08 502 14 19123
Fox Chase School KG - 05 450 17 19111
Francis Hopkinson School (k-8) KG - 08 860 14 19124
Frank Anne School KG - 05 1,400 20 19115
Gilbert Spruance School PK - 08 1,252 17 19149
Girard Stephen School KG - 04 400 16 19145
Gloria Casarez Elementary School KG - 04 500 16 19134
Gompers Samuel School KG - 08 267 13 19131
Green Woods Cs KG - 08 686 11 19128
Greenfield Albert M School KG - 08 615 13 19103
Hamilton Disston School KG - 08 771 16 19135
Harrington Avery D School KG - 08 420 14 19143
Henry A Brown School KG - 08 340 14 19125
Henry C Lea K-8 School PK - 08 520 14 19139
Henry H Houston School KG - 08 200 14 19119
Henry W Lawton Elementary School KG - 05 783 17 19135
Horatio B Hackett School (k-5) KG - 05 375 11 19125
Hunter William H School PK - 08 463 14 19133
Independence Cs KG - 08 611 14 19146
Isaac A Sheppard Elementary School (k-4) KG - 04 145 13 19133
J Hampton Moore School KG - 05 1,240 18 19111
James G Blaine Academic Plus PK - 08 480 11 19121
James J Sullivan School KG - 05 457 13 19124
James Logan Elementary School PK - 05 253 17 19141
James R Lowell Elementary School PK - 04 540 16 19120
Jenks Abram School KG - 05 250 15 19148
John F Hartranft School KG - 08 300 13 19133
John F Mccloskey School KG - 08 300 15 19150
John H Webster Elementary School PK - 05 500 15 19134
John Hancock Demonstration School KG - 05 714 15 19114
John Marshall School KG - 05 250 12 19124
Joseph Greenberg School KG - 08 750 15 19115
Joseph H Brown School KG - 08 400 15 19136
Joseph Pennell School PK - 05 400 15 19141
Julia Deburgos Elementary School KG - 08 875 13 19133
Julia Ward Howe School KG - 05 200 14 19141
Kearny Gen Philip School KG - 08 195 13 19123
Kelly John B School KG - 05 512 16 19144
Kenderton Elementary School KG - 08 450 13 19140
Kennedy C Crossan School KG - 05 310 17 19111
Key Francis Scott School KG - 06 417 13 19148
Kipp West Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School 05 - 08 360 0 19143
Kirkbride Eliza B School PK - 08 540 14 19147
Lamberton Robert E School KG - 08 280 16 19151
Laura H Carnell School KG - 05 850 16 19111
Lewis C Cassidy Academics Plus School KG - 08 427 17 19151
Lewis Elkin Elementary School (k-4) KG - 04 600 13 19134
Louis H Farrell School KG - 08 1,175 15 19152
Ludlow James R School KG - 08 205 12 19122
Luis Munoz-marin School PK - 08 500 14 19140
Martha Washington Academics Plus School KG - 08 350 12 19104
Mary Mcleod Bethune School KG - 08 500 15 19140
Mastery Cs-smedley Campus KG - 06 775 13 19124
Mayfair School KG - 08 2,350 19 19149
Mccall Gen George A School KG - 08 696 14 19106
Mcdaniel Delaplaine School KG - 08 250 17 19145
Mcmichael Morton School PK - 08 300 17 19104
Meade Gen George C School KG - 08 400 16 19121
Meredith William M School KG - 08 515 15 19147
Mitchell El School KG - 08 473 18 19143
Moffet John School KG - 05 257 15 19122
Morton Thomas G School KG - 05 427 16 19142
Nebinger George W School PK - 08 462 12 19147
Olney Elementary School KG - 08 850 15 19120
Overbrook Edu Center KG - 08 300 7 19151
Overbrook Elementary School KG - 08 203 15 19151
Patterson John M School PK - 04 459 18 19142
Penn Alexander School KG - 08 580 15 19104
Penrose School KG - 08 460 14 19153
Philadelphia Kaps KG - 07 150 0 19144
Philadelphia Performing Arts: A String Theory Charter School - West Campus 02 - 04 2,600 17 19145
Potter-thomas School KG - 08 480 11 19133
Powel Samuel School KG - 04 244 12 19104
Prince Hall School PK - 05 400 16 19141
Rhawnhurst School PK - 05 640 16 19152
Rhoads James School KG - 08 500 18 19139
Richard Allen Preparatory Charter School 05 - 08 395 19 19143
Richard R Wright School PK - 05 360 17 19132
Richmond School KG - 05 375 18 19134
Robert B Pollock School KG - 06 625 17 19152
Robert Morris School KG - 08 150 16 19121
Rudolph Blankenburg K-8 School PK - 08 400 14 19131
Samuel Pennypacker School PK - 08 320 16 19138
Sharswood George School PK - 08 490 15 19148
Shawmont School KG - 08 470 17 19128
Solomon Solis-cohen Elementary School KG - 05 1,250 16 19149
Southwark School PK - 08 900 13 19148
Southwest Leadership Annex KG - 02 0 0 19142
Spring Garden School KG - 08 241 11 19123
Stanton Edwin M School PK - 08 300 12 19146
Steel Edward School PK - 08 381 17 19140
Taggart John H School PK - 08 450 14 19148
Tanner Duckrey School PK - 08 581 16 19121
Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School KG - 08 500 11 19144
Thomas Holme School KG - 08 750 15 19114
Thomas K Finletter School KG - 08 700 19 19120
Thomas M Peirce School KG - 06 300 19 19132
Thomas Mifflin School PK - 08 350 14 19129
Thurgood Marshall School PK - 08 650 16 19120
Vare-washington Elementary School PK - 08 380 13 19147
Waring Laura W School KG - 08 200 16 19130
Watson Comly School KG - 05 500 14 19116
Welsh John School KG - 08 255 14 19133
West Phila. Achievement Ces KG - 05 730 17 19151
William C Bryant Elementary School PK - 08 480 15 19143
William C Longstreth K-8 School PK - 08 428 17 19143
William Cramp School PK - 05 523 14 19140
William D Kelley K-8 School PK - 08 257 14 19121
William Dick School KG - 08 426 13 19121
William H Loesche School PK - 05 920 15 19116
William H Ziegler School KG - 08 400 15 19149
William Mckinley School PK - 08 355 12 19122
William Rowen Elementary School KG - 05 340 16 19126

Middle Schools near Philadelphia, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Amy At Martin 06 - 08 415 16 19134
Amy Northwest 06 - 08 256 16 19128
Baldi Child Care A Middle School 06 - 08 1,500 16 19115
Castor Gardens Middle School 06 - 08 1,430 19 19111
Conwell Russell Middle School 05 - 08 180 19 19134
Cooke Jay Middle School KG - 08 390 12 19141
Crossroads At Accelerated Academy 07 - 09 0 0 19104
Excel Middle Years Academy 06 - 08 100 0 19104
Feltonville School Of Arts & Sciences 06 - 08 650 13 19120
Harding Warren G Middle School 06 - 08 700 13 19124
John B. Stetson Charter School 05 - 08 792 10 19134
John Hancock Demonstration School-la Brum 6-8 Campus 06 - 08 310 8 19154
Kipp Philadelphia Charter School 05 - 08 859 15 19132
Memphis Street Academy Charter School @ Jp Jones 05 - 08 685 13 19134
Rhodes E Washington Middle School KG - 08 552 10 19132
Roberto Clemente Middle School 06 - 08 400 14 19140
Science Leadership Academy Middle School 05 - 08 360 0 19104
Tilden William T Middle School 05 - 08 400 14 19142
Universal Vare Charter School 05 - 08 420 0 19145
Wagner Gen Louis Middle School 06 - 08 507 14 19126
Washington Grover Jr School 05 - 08 400 14 19120
Young Scholars Charter School 06 - 08 300 13 19123

High Schools near Philadelphia, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Academy At Palumbo 09 - 12 952 19 19147
Arts Academy At Benjamin Rush 09 - 12 589 16 19154
Aspira Olney Charter High School 09 - 12 1,992 14 19120
Belmont Charter Annex High School 09 - 12 313 0 19104
Bodine William W High School 09 - 12 600 17 19123
Boys Latin Of Philadelphia Cs 09 - 12 826 14 19143
Building 21 09 - 12 398 0 19138
Central High School 09 - 12 2,361 21 19141
Constitution High School 09 - 12 445 16 19106
Creative And Performing Arts 09 - 12 724 15 19147
Excel Academy North 09 - 12 0 0 19121
Excel Academy South 09 - 12 400 11 19124
Frankford High School 09 - 12 913 15 19124
Franklin Benjamin High School 09 - 12 461 12 19130
Franklin Learning Center 09 - 12 920 18 19130
Franklin Towne Charter High School 09 - 12 575 10 19137
Gateway To College 09 - 12 0 0 19130
Hardy Williams - Mastery Charter School 07 - 12 1,179 18 19143
Hill-freedman World Academy 06 - 12 650 8 19150
Horace Howard Furness High School 09 - 12 748 9 19148
Imhotep Institute Charter High School 09 - 12 606 19 19138
John Bartram High School 09 - 12 552 13 19142
Kensington Creative & Performing Arts High School 09 - 12 525 13 19122
Kensington Culinary Arts 09 - 12 359 12 19125
Kensington High School 09 - 12 450 13 19125
King Martin Luther High School 09 - 12 532 13 19138
Kipp Dubois Collegiate Academy 09 - 12 500 9 19131
Lankenau High School 09 - 12 312 16 19128
Lincoln High School 09 - 12 2,200 14 19136
Maritime Academy Charter High School 09 - 12 255 8 19125
Mastery Charter High School - Lenfest Campus 07 - 12 609 14 19106
Mastery Charter School - Pickett Campus 06 - 12 900 14 19144
Mastery Charter School - Shoemaker Campus 07 - 12 786 14 19131
Mastery Charter School - Simon Gratz School 07 - 12 1,500 11 19140
Mastery Charter School - Thomas Campus 07 - 12 600 13 19148
Motivation High School 09 - 12 330 15 19143
Multi-cultural Academy Charter School 09 - 12 263 13 19140
New Foundations High School 09 - 12 0 0 19136
Northeast High School 09 - 12 3,230 17 19111
Nueva Esperanza Academy Charter School 06 - 12 1,634 14 19140
Ombudsman Accelerated Northwest 09 - 12 70 0 19138
One Bright Ray - Fairhill Campus 09 - 12 0 0 19133
One Bright Ray Elmwood Campus 09 - 12 0 0 19142
One Bright Ray Simpson Campus 09 - 12 250 0 19134
Overbrook High School 09 - 12 810 14 19131
Parkway Center City Middle Collage 09 - 12 500 19 19123
Parkway Northwest 09 - 12 285 17 19138
Parkway West 09 - 12 224 15 19139
Paul Robeson High School For Human Services 09 - 12 319 13 19104
Penn Treaty Middle School 06 - 12 484 10 19125
Pennypack House School 09 - 12 32 0 19136
Philadelphia Academy Charter High School 09 - 12 450 0 19116
Philadelphia Electrical And Technology Charter School 09 - 12 627 16 19102
Philadelphia High School For Girls 09 - 12 924 19 19141
Philadelphia Learning Academy - North 08 - 12 100 7 19140
Philadelphia Military Academy At Elverson 09 - 12 401 14 19122
Philadelphia Oic Workforce Academy 09 - 12 0 0 19122
Re-engagement Center 09 - 12 0 0 19130
Roxborough High School 09 - 12 800 10 19128
Samuel Fels High School 09 - 12 1,318 16 19124
Sayre William L Middle School 09 - 12 437 13 19139
School Of The Future 09 - 12 750 13 19104
Science Leadership Academy 09 - 12 500 23 19141
South Philadelphia High School 09 - 12 653 11 19148
Strawberry Mansion High School 09 - 12 172 10 19121
Tacony Academy Charter School 09 - 12 362 0 19135
Tech Freire Charter School 09 - 12 502 0 19132
The Linc 09 - 12 250 12 19140
The U School: Innovative Lab 09 - 12 241 13 19122
The Workshop School 09 - 12 220 0 19139
Universal Audenried Charter School 09 - 12 600 0 19145
Vaux Hs: A Big Picture School 09 - 12 402 13 19121
Washington George High School 09 - 12 1,555 16 19116
West Philadelphia High School 09 - 12 422 12 19139
Yes Philly High School 09 - 12 90 9 19132
Youth Build Philadelphia Charter School 12 - 12 215 29 19122

Ungraded Schools near Philadelphia, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
* One Bright Ray Mansion Adult Campus 09 - 12 0 0 19121
A. Philip Randolph Career And Technical High School 09 - 12 621 12 19129
Ad Prima Charter School KG - 08 600 0 19150
Alliance For Progress Charter Lower School KG - 08 517 17 19121
Antonia Pantoja Community Charter School KG - 08 700 17 19140
Aspira Bilingual Cyber Charter School KG - 12 450 0 19140
Belmont Charter School 01 - 08 593 10 19104
Christopher Columbus Charter North KG - 05 0 0 19147
Community Academy Of Philadelphia Charter School KG - 12 1,200 16 19134
Deep Roots Charter School KG - 06 300 10 19134
Discovery Charter School KG - 08 623 18 19131
Dobbins Avt High School 09 - 12 986 12 19132
Esperanza Cyber Charter School KG - 12 445 0 19140
First Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School KG - 12 1,880 15 19124
Franklin Towne Charter Elementary School KG - 08 965 21 19137
Frederick Douglass Mastery Charter School KG - 08 650 16 19121
Freire Charter School 05 - 12 1,100 21 19103
General David B. Birney Charter School KG - 08 750 16 19141
Girard Academic Music Program 05 - 12 625 17 19145
Global Leadership Academy Charter School KG - 08 725 22 19131
Global Leadership Academy Southwest (huey) KG - 08 555 17 19143
Independence Charter School KG - 08 822 21 19146
John Jenks Academy For The Arts And Sciences KG - 08 500 14 19118
Jules E Mastbaum High School 09 - 12 568 13 19134
Juniata Park Academy KG - 08 1,096 19 19124
Keystone Academy Charter School KG - 08 620 18 19135
Kipp North Philadelphia Academy KG - 02 300 14 19132
Kipp Philadelphia Elementary Academy KG - 04 503 0 19129
Kipp West Philadelphia Elementary Academy KG - 04 396 0 19131
Mariana Bracetti Academy Charter School KG - 12 1,484 15 19124
Maritime Academy Charter School 01 - 08 959 18 19137
Mast Community Charter Ii Annex KG - 02 0 0 19111
Mast Community Charter School KG - 12 1,200 16 19116
Mast Community Charter School Ii KG - 11 1,310 16 19116
Mast Community Charter School Iii (district) KG - 08 1,017 0 19154
Masterman Julia R Secondary School 05 - 12 1,120 18 19130
Mastery Charter - John Wister Elementary KG - 05 520 29 19144
Mastery Charter School - Clymer Elementary KG - 06 450 12 19133
Mastery Charter School - Francis D. Pastorius Elementary KG - 08 625 25 19138
Mastery Charter School - Grover Cleveland Elementary KG - 08 700 0 19140
Mastery Charter School - Harrity Campus KG - 08 850 0 19143
Mastery Charter School - Mann Campus KG - 06 555 0 19131
Mastery Charter School - Preparatory Elementary KG - 03 334 0 19140
Mastery Charter School - Thomas Elementary KG - 06 650 16 19148
Math Civics And Sciences Cs 01 - 12 1,000 14 19123
New Foundations Charter School K-8 KG - 08 1,549 16 19136
Northwood Academy Charter School KG - 08 800 14 19124
One Bright Ray Mansion Accelerated Campus UG - UG 180 22 19121
Pan American Academy Charter School KG - 08 750 15 19133
People For People Charter School KG - 12 546 13 19130
Philadelphia Academy Charter School KG - 08 1,166 12 19116
Philadelphia Harambee Institute Charter School KG - 08 500 18 19151
Philadelphia Montessori Charter School PK - 04 198 9 19142
Philadelphia Performing Arts: A String Theory Charter School - East Campus KG - 01 450 15 19148
Philadelphia Performing Arts: A String Theory Charter School - Vine Street Campus 05 - 12 1,360 0 19102
Philadelphia Virtual Academy KG - 12 2,000 0 19130
Preparatory Charter School Of Math, Science, Technology And Careers 09 - 12 633 17 19145
Project Yes Youthbuild UG - UG 70 10 19132
Russell Byers Charter School KG - 08 725 15 19103
Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School KG - 12 655 14 19125
Southwest Leadership Academy Charter School KG - 08 720 18 19142
Swenson Arts & Technology High School 09 - 12 693 14 19154
Tacony Academy Charter School KG - 12 1,080 19 19111
The Northeast Community Propel Academy KG - 07 0 0 19136
The Philadelphia Charter School For Arts And Science At Hr Edmunds KG - 08 1,040 12 19124
The Science Leadership Academy At Beeber 05 - 12 672 0 19131
Thomas Edison High School 09 - 12 1,100 11 19140
Universal Alcorn Charter Elementary School KG - 08 550 0 19146
Universal Creighton Charter School KG - 08 685 0 19120
Universal Institute Charter School KG - 08 624 19 19146
Walter Biddle Saul Agricultural High School 09 - 12 516 15 19128
West Oak Lane Charter School KG - 08 1,037 15 19138
Widener Memorial School KG - 12 200 0 19141
Wissahickon Charter School KG - 08 952 13 19144

Demographics near Philadelphia, PA

City County
Population 1,615,184 1,615,198
Population Density 12,045 12,045
Median Age 36.9 36.9
People per Household 2.4 2.4
Median Household Income 50,724 50,724
Average Income per Capita 30,201 30,201

Philadelphia Map

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